Collaborative Minds Blog

Leadership - page 5

Imagine being able to know exactly where your project is at any given time, right down to the nitty gritty details. It’s a manager’s dream and one that we’re always trying to make reality. To find success in today’s fast-paced work environment calls for excellent time management and communication skills. We’re multi-tasking masters. Communication connoisseurs. Whatever the job calls for, we can do it – but let’s remember, we’re only human. Sometimes we need a little help along the way.


The way we work together is changing. Virtual teams, remote offices, teams spread around the globe. But we can count on a few things never changing! As managers, we need to stay connected with our teams. The channels of communication must flow freely. We need to be able to keep everyone on the same page so we can reach our goals and deadlines together.


There is a quote which provides an accurate summation of how successful managers perform within a company.


The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) phenomenon is growing popular in the business world these days for it can help to cut mobile expenses for the company and ensure a better work-life balance for employees which, in its turn has a positive impact on productivity. At the same time CIOs have a number of problems to solve when it comes to maintaining the BYOD system when different operating systems and platforms need to work seamlessly and the security of sensitive information needs to be ensured. What can you expect when BYOD meets collaborative work management software?


Some people find a certain enjoyment in the art of complaining. If you buy a new coffee for the break room, instantly you have a few team members that aren’t happy with the change. If you switch the company health insurance plan to allow for better employee options, a group will instantly love the old plan and complain about the new options.


If you are in business, you are in meetings. A two-person shop may have coffee to discuss issues or it could be the granddaddy-of-them-all, the global teleconference, all-employee type with a bonus auditorium full of locals. When you meet with others on your team or your entire staff, you help set process alignment, define requirements, and share company goals and strategies.


Struggling with fulfilling orders on time? Project reports always late? Do you always feel like you are dashing from one raging fire to the next to keep things running smoothly? You most likely have one or more bottlenecks in your processes. With a few simple workflow adjustments you can quit getting singed.


It’s an incredible question to me, as a person, who works in the industry. At the same time we’re often asked this question. If people more or less understand that it’s possible to make a model of a business process, they sometimes get lost in notions when it comes to the process model put into life, or process execution.


We are now at the final installment of my three part series on improving customer relations on your projects. To recap, we’ve covered two concepts so far: giving away something for free and getting your senior management involved in your project to make the customer feel important.


In Part 1, we looked at the concept of giving something away for free to your project customer as a way of improving overall customer relations. Everyone likes ‘free’ – especially if they need what they are getting for free.
