Collaborative Minds Blog

Leadership - page 6

Let’s face it – things rarely go perfectly on our project engagements. Even when we think things are moving along smoothly, we sometimes find out that there is an issue causing a certain amount of unrest with our project client.


When you hear me say ‘work management software’ it may mean almost anything: so many solutions are called ‘work management software’ even though they are all very different from one another when it comes to their features. One of the essential features here is workflow which enables the user to implement process management techniques.


In simple words, project management (PM) system is a way to manage your project that demands to make a plan first. According to this requirement, project management software tools usually come in the form of planners with timeline, Gantt chart, calendar, milestones, base lines and other common project management tools.


Work discovery, process discovery, best practices discovery and idea discovery are major pain points for customers calling tech research firms, and the concept of “discovery” is a significant building block and indicator of business innovation.


Establish credibility with your new markets by providing laser-focus to your team’s efforts.


At the end of the week your project will evolve, and the plan will be out of date. What will you do?


Articles abound, telling you how to get organized, get systematic, and get motivated. But they don’t really tell you why you should bother.


Project managers and department managers alike must take complete responsibility for the team’s collaboration results, which means they need real-time visibility into what’s happening, along with fairly tight control of the process.


Apple Inc., was advertising how Siri could let manager “Karen” know that she faced a full day of meetings: “Another busy day today, Karen!” the virtual personal assistant said in the print ad on the back cover Time Magazine’s April 16, 2012 issue.
